Gun Safes and Vault Doors Vault Pro USA

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Hidden Safe Compartments Keep Your Valuables

tony • September 17, 2019

Hiding Your Guns and other Valuables for Extra Security

hidden safe compartment and safe in safe options
How to Hide Your Firearms and Valuables from Prying Eyes

This post describes different proven methods for adding an extra layer of security to your safe for additional protection of your valuables. 

Concealed Floor Compartment for Safes

What is the best way to keep your most important valuables secure? Lock them up in one of our top-of-the-line safes, of course. However, under certain circumstances you may be unwittingly exposing your precious valuables to those who shouldn’t be seeing them. You may have your safe open while putting in or taking out firearms or other valuables. Prying eyes seem to be everywhere, looking to potentially rob you of your most precious possessions. There’s a simple solution to this potential problem that provides an extra layer of protection to even the strongest safes. A Hidden Floor Compartment built in to your safe will prevent those prying eyes from seeing what they shouldn’t in the first place. When in place the cover for the compartment looks like the padded bottom of the safe. 

With Vault Pro's Hidden Floor option, your secrets are safe. Even with the safe wide open, no one will know the entirety of its contents because it becomes virtually invisible and appears as part of the hard interior (see for yourself in image). For additional security the compartment can be made lockable with a keyed lock for an extra added level of security. A simple and elegant solution that provides an additional layer of security.

Safe in Safe

You have a mighty safe that will keep the bad guys from getting hold of your weapons and other valuables. With all that protection why would one need a safe inside a safe? There are more reasons than you might expect to have the inner security of a safe in safe. Locking up your weapons is one thing. Locking up valuable papers, jewelry, precious metals or other valuables in an inner safe provides another level of security. This is the perfect solution for personal or business purposes when you may want someone to have access to the main contents of your safe, but not to all your most important items. By keeping them in an inner safe you can rest assured that you control the level of access to your valuables.

Safe in Safe is typically built to match the thickness of the main safes steel body, including sealed piano hinged door, 1/4" 60+ Rockwell Hard-plate, S&G Standard Rotary Combination Lock and complete liner. An optional S&G D-Drive Group I Digital lock is also available.

Standard size is: 12" height x 12" width x 12" depth. Custom size and multiple Safe in Safe options are available. For more information about hidden compartments and safe in safe options call on of our Vault Pro’s – 800-299-6929.

Stay safe,

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By tony.vaultpro February 9, 2022
As one of the many millions of responsible gun owners in this country, we understand the need for safety when handling and storing firearms. We all know the first rules of safe gun handling: Always treat a firearm as if it were loaded. Always check to see if there is a round in the chamber when handling a firearm. Always point the firearm in a safe direction in case of accidental discharge. As adults we teach these safety tips to young people who will be the firearms owners of the future. Unfortunately, children may not fully grasp the importance of these rules and may obtain access to firearms that have not been properly secured. This can lead to tragic incidents. Always make sure your weapons are safely secured when not in use. We should all follow the simple steps outlined below and supported by national gun rights groups, such as: NSSF and their ProjectChild Safe program, and the NRA. • Unloaded firearms should be stored in a locked gun safe when not in use. The storage location should not be accessible to children and secured with a locking mechanism with a combination only known by the responsible adult owner of the firearms. • Ammunition should be stored separate from firearms in a secure container, ideally in a safe. • Gun locking devices, such as a cable-style gun lock can provide an added layer of security. • Do a thorough check of ALL firearms being stored to make sure they are completely unloaded. This additional step can prevent accidental discharge when removing firearms from storage. We are proud supporters of the 2nd Amendment, which gives us the right to keep and bear arms. We also feel a great sense of responsibility to make sure we keep those arms safe and secure when not in use. Vault Pro safes far exceed all DOJ requirements and provide the best protection against break-ins and fire. If you are looking for a superior security solution for your firearms or other valuables, please contact us. Stay safe, Tony
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Why we use only American made steel in our safes, vault doors and shelter walk-in vault rooms. Steel is at an all time high, but it is worth it for the strength and security that an American made steel safe brings you.
By tony.vaultpro May 22, 2020
Why We Observe Memorial Day During Memorial Day weekend, it is incumbent upon us to remember why this official day of remembrance exists. Shortly after the end of our greatest conflict, the Civil War, local observances were held throughout the country to honor our fallen heroes. Originally called Decoration Day, and observed on May 30th, the national day of remembrance gradually grew to be known as Memorial Day and was finally designated as the last Monday in May by an act of Congress. The first official federal three-day holiday was observed in 1971. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten the original meaning of Memorial Day and just think of it as a three-day weekend to play, party and check out the big Memorial Day sales being advertised all over the country. Too many of us forget the ultimate sacrifice made by so many to protect our freedoms in this singular country we all share. It is only right to want to enjoy the many opportunities and blessings this country holds for us in our search for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness , but let us not forget why we are able to pursue them, and those who gave their last full measure to protect us. Please take some time this weekend to honor our fallen heroes. Have a memorable weekend and stay safe. Tony
safe room tornado shelters made in USA
By tony.vaultpro April 17, 2020
In our previous post we covered some common areas of concern regarding home safety during these times of national emergency. With the advent of spring and summer we now need to turn our attention to severe weather-related events, which can be most catastrophic to life and property. Tornado Season is upon us and Hurricane Season is not far off. Plan now to protect yourself should severe weather head your way. Tornadoes can happen any time of year, but have different seasons depending on the part of the country you live in. Generally speaking the further north you live the later tornado season begins. The United States is the tornado capital of the world with more than 1,000 reported every year, resulting in thousands of injuries and on average, over 70 deaths per year, in addition to billions of dollars in property damage. Hurricane season is generally from July to November but can vary from year to year. Injuries and deaths caused by hurricanes can vary widely due to the slower developing nature of hurricanes and advance warning systems, which allow people to seek safety before the worst wind and water events occur. Tornadoes are primarily wind events. The winds generated by tornadoes can exceed 300mph, causing catastrophic destruction to buildings in their path. Hurricanes are both severe wind and water events, with water being the primary cause of destruction to property. What can you do to protect yourself from the risk of tornadoes, hurricanes and other severe weather events? First, it’s important to have current weather updates available. If enabled your cell phone can give you advance warning of severe weather in your area. Know the difference between a severe weather watch and warning. A watch means weather conditions in your area are favorable for possible tornado or other severe weather activity. A “Warning” means a tornado has been spotted in your area and you should take shelter immediately. Before an emergency event takes place, you should have a plan worked out in advance. If at home a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) specification shelter (safe room) is the ideal solution for protecting yourself and family from the extreme winds generated by tornadoes. These safe rooms can be located above or below ground depending on your structure and available space. Safe rooms are specially hardened structures and are affixed to the ground to avoid lifting. They are designed to meet specific criteria for wind shear and impact resistance from debris, which can act as missiles in the extremely strong winds generated by a tornado. If you are caught away from home or are not able to reach your safe room before a tornado strikes, you should go to the lowest level of your structure, such as a basement. If you don’t have a basement go to the innermost area of your home. A bathroom or inner closet may be your second-best option. Make sure you are not near any windows. Use blankets, mattresses or any other readily available items to protect yourself from flying debris. If you have a hard hat, wear it. Special note to residents of mobile home parks. You should seek shelter outside your mobile home. Mobile homes have very little wind resistance and should not be used as a shelter. Tornadoes are quick, but very destructive weather events, however, you may be without water or power for days after a tornado, so make sure you have at least a three-day supply of food, water and emergency supplies. If you have a safe room shelter these items can be stored and available for use after the storm has passed. After a tornado has passed do check for any injured persons in your area and call for emergency responders but take care not to touch any downed power lines and stay clear of any ruptured gas lines or dangerous debris. What is the best type of shelter?
By tony.vaultpro April 1, 2020
Dear Friends, During this time of national emergency, we at Vault Pro want to assure you we are here for you. With families being forced indoors it is more important than ever to make sure that homes be kept safe and protected against unnecessary accidents, which could occur from guns and other potentially dangerous items not being properly stored and locked up. If you haven’t already created a family security checklist now would be a great time to set one up. Make sure all weapons in your home are secure from unauthorized individuals. They should be locked up and kept separate from ammunition. Young children are naturally curious and can’t tell a toy from the real thing. A safe is your best option for keeping guns and valuables secure. Medications: Make sure you keep an adequate supply of any prescription drugs on hand. You want them stored securely in child proof packaging or locked away in a safe place. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors should be checked to make sure the batteries are fresh Fire extinguishers that spray dry chemicals, not water, are recommended for home use because they are effective against grease fires and small electrical fires. Water extinguishers may actually make these common types of fires worse. Experts suggest having two multipurpose dry chemical fire extinguishers﹘one to keep in your kitchen and one that’s easily accessible to your dryer and/or garage. First aid kit: A thorough first aid kit should include bandages and antiseptic/antibiotic agents for simple wound and burn care. Gloves, assorted over-the-counter medications and a thermometer should be part of any emergency first aid kit. You can create your own or buy one that is all inclusive. Emergency preparedness kit: Have a supply of items ready in case you need to go without power or other utilities. Basic emergency preparedness supplies include flashlight(s), plenty of batteries and long-burning candles with matches or lighters. You may also consider building a stock of non-perishable foods and bottled water. Some households also choose to keep a backup electric generator on hand. Pay attention to extreme weather predictions and amp up your kit accordingly. Any list of safety items will include: Up to date locks, extra sets of keys (home, lockable storage, car, other conveyances), secure window coverings where appropriate, emergency escape ladder (for multi-story dwellings), good lighting (with backup), emergency water and food supplies (remember to multiply amount needed daily by number of children and adults), emergency food supply for pets, home security system (should include exterior alarm, fire and smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detector) Running a safety drill with family members is a good idea. Always have a safe place to meet in case of emergency. Keep your cell phones charged in case of power failure. If you can afford one, a backup generator can be invaluable. Most importantly, look out for each other - talk to each other and try to have some fun. In trying times our true nature shows best. For all our first responders, medical personnel, law enforcement, military, and volunteers we thank you for looking out for us as we look forward to better times ahead. Stay safe, Tony
By tony.vaultpro February 23, 2020
Do I need a Safe? As the owner of a safe manufacturing company, I am often asked by my friends and family “Do I need a safe?” After all, why buy a safe if you don’t have a real need for one. That leads us to the question of “why you need a safe?” Why would you need a Safe? While a safe is primarily designed to protect your belongings against theft, it can also protect your belongings from the devastation of fire and natural disasters and in some cases water damage. Why would you need a safe in your Home? Not everyone needs a safe, however if any of the questions below can be answered with a yes…I would advise you to have a safe in your home as a matter of priority: Are you a business owner? Are you a firearm owner? Do you have important, sensitive and irreplaceable paperwork such as trusts, wills, deeds, stock certificates, birth or death certificates? Do you keep cash on hand in your home? Do you own jewelry or heirloom jewelry which has high intrinsic or sentimental value? Do you have photographs or personal effects which have sentimental value? Do you have gadgets of value (Camera’s, Video Cameras, Laptop Computers, Tablets, etc.…)? Do you have important and sensitive data on CDs, disks or other electronic devices? Do you have confidential information you would not want others to see (medical records, etc.…)? Do you have house cleaners, trade’s people, dog walkers or other outsiders coming into your home? The focus of these questions is on irreplaceable and in some cases dangerous items that need to be protected from unauthorized access. If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, I am suggesting that you do indeed need a safe in your home. Owning a safe can help to simplify your life and give you the peace of mind that you deserve. While some things are irreplaceable and, in some cases dangerous in the wrong hands, there are many items that are replaceable and should be considered for safe keeping as well. Passports, house and car keys, credit or debit cards, other forms of I.D. are all replaceable however, they require your valuable time to properly replace and could prove very costly. For instance, if a thief should take a spare set of keys, you may not even notice it right away allowing easy access for further theft of your home or car. Passports, I.D.’s, Credit and debit cards can also be replaced but, can create havoc before you have a chance to stop bad actors from draining your accounts and even stealing your identity. Owning a safe can help you to avoid unfortunate circumstances and give you the peace of mind you need. Choosing the Best Safe at the Best Price? There is a wide range of safes available in size, security level, amenities and accessibility options as well as costs, depending on your individual needs and circumstances. It is important to choose a safe that is right for you and you should give careful consideration to the location of the safe as well as the accessibility and amenities of your safe. Choosing a safe based on price is usually a recipe for disaster should a break-in occur. Don’t make the mistake of purchasing a safe and finding out later that it isn’t going to serve your needs, fit your particular circumstances or give you the peace of mind you deserve. If you are considering buying a safe and have questions or concerns…make sure to seek advice from a qualified expert. Don’t hesitate to give one of our Vault Pro’s a call for expert advice and a free no obligation quote. Stay safe, Tony 800-299-6929
By tony.vaultpro January 27, 2020
Tornado and Hurricane Seasons are Coming - Be Prepared! It may be mid-winter now, but Spring will be here soon, and we all need to prepare for the potential of a catastrophic weather event. Tornadoes and hurricanes cause loss of life and billions of dollars in damage each year. Protect your family with the highest quality Hurricane & Tornado shelters from Vault Pro. Our ALL AMERICAN MADE storm and tornado shelters are engineered and built beyond all ICC-500 & FEMA recommended national safety standards. Our unique inner rib structure provides superior strength against projectile impact and wind shear. Unlike most storm shelters, Vault Pro doors are true vault doors with the same security features provided to our commercial and governmental clients with two second entry. This makes your shelter double as a secure storage. We offer two types of shelters - single piece units ready to bolt down, and modular design for special installations where a single unit would not be practical. Our shelters are ideal for above ground or below ground installation. We are shelter and vault experts and are happy to provide you with fast friendly service and a free quote. Check out our site for real examples of our shelters then call us toll free for more information and a free quote - 800-299-6929 Stay safe, Tony #stormshelters #emergencyshelters #tornadoshelters #hurricaneshelters #saferooms #walkinvaults #securityshelter #panicroom
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